Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations

Humanitarian and Compassionate Considerations

If you are unable to meet the eligibility requirements to become a permanent resident of Canada through traditional methods, you may have the ability to apply for residency on humanitarian and compassionate grounds (H&C).
This option is available to individuals that can demonstrate that they have an exceptional case for seeking Canadian residency. While each of these cases is looked at individually, applicants must prove certain factors to be considered for permanent residency based on H&C grounds.

Factors that are considered in these cases include:

General family ties you may have in Canada
Life and settlement that you can demonstrate in Canada
Interests and well-being of any minor children involved in your case
Other factors that prevent you from leaving Canada
Talk to Array Immigration Team


  • Unit 201, 12885 80 Avenue, Surrey, BC V3W 0E6
  • +604-765-0639